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  • Cardiocerebral infarction (CCI): cerebral and myocardial infarction simultaneously occur, rarely encounter.
  • First introduced by Omar et al. in 2010,
  • Both conditions have a narrow therapeutic time-window and the complex pathophysiology, is challenging to immediately diagnose and treatment.
  • «Synchronous CCI»: simultaneous infarction in the cerebral and coronary vascular territories,
  • «Metachronous CCI»: one event preceding the other.
  • “hyperacute CCI” and “non-hyperacute simultaneous CCI”: patients with simultaneous CCI who arrived at the hospital within 4.5 h of the thrombolytic therapeutic window and after 4.5 h.

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Lần cập nhật cuối lúc Thứ ba, 24 Tháng 12 2019 13:03

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